Record It - Audio And Sound

음악 유틸리티 유틸리티 음악
개발자: Alex Zalevskiy
비어 있는

The main goal of Record it - Audio And Sound is the qualitative recording process. There is no excessive buttons. Only the necessary ones. Never before you havent recorded the things in a such a simple way. Record It - Audio And Sound holds all the main options for recording and additional instruments for editing the audio.

HOW TO USE: Upload an audio file or record a new one. The instruments (cut, paste, copy, etc) allow you to put a producer point. Dont forget to save the work.

Record it - Audio And Sound features:
- Recording in a real time;
- High-quality sounds;
- Accurate settings;
- Light recording process and its control, pleasant visuals;

With Record It - Audio And Sound you will get over the road of recording through the pedestrian.